Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Artificial Intelligence, Neurotechnology and Neurology: from Charcot to ChatGPT

Sala Rita Levi-Montalcini, PRBB

Us convidem al pròxim seminari organitzat pel Programa de Neurociències del Hospital del Mar Research Institut i del Servei de Neurologia de l'Hospital del Mar que tindrà lloc el pròxim dimecres 12 de febrer a les 14:00 h a la Sala Rita Levi-Montalcini. El títol serà "Artificial Intelligence, Neurotechnology and Neurology: from Charcot to ChatGPT" i anirà a càrrec de Dr Iñigo Gabilondo MD, PhD Investigador d'Ikerbasque - Grup de Malalties Neurodegeneratives. Institut de Recerca Sanitària Biobizkaia. Coordinador del Comitè Ad Hoc de Noves Tecnologies de la SEN.


We invite you to the next seminar organized by the Neurosciences Program of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and the Neurology Service of the Hospital del Mar that will take place next Wednesday February 12 at 2pm in Rita Levi-Montalcini room. The title will be "Artificial Intelligence, Neurotechnology and Neurology: from Charcot to ChatGPT" by Dr Iñigo Gabilondo MD, PhD Ikerbasque Researcher - Neurodegenerative diseases group. Biobizkaia Health Research Institute. Coordinador del Comité Ad Hoc de Nuevas Tecnologias de la SEN.


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