Virtual, a les 12:00h
Us convidem al proper IMIM Seminar sobre Hottopics in Neuroscience que tindrà lloc el dimecres 21/04/2021 a les 12:00 h. El seminari constarà de dues xerrades, una a càrrec de Marta Barrera Conde, estudiant predoctoral supervisada per la Dra Patricia Robledo de l’IMIM, amb el títol "WIN 55,212-2 exposure during adolescence alters sociability deficits in the phencyclidine mouse model of psychosis: the role of cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5" i l'altra a càrrec de Haneen Dwaib, estudiant predoctoral supervisat pel Dr. Rafael Maldonado i la Dra. Elena Martín-García de la UPF, i que portarà per títol: "The Evil Side of UCP1 in Perivascular Adipose Tissue: Phosphate Repurposing".
We invite you to the next IMIM Seminar on Hottopics in Neuroscience that will take place on wednesday 21/04/2021 at 12:00 h. The seminar will consist of two talks, one by Marta Barrera Conde, a predoctoral student supervised by Dra Patricia Robledo of IMIM, entitled "WIN 55,212-2 exposure during adolescence alters sociability deficits in the phencyclidine mouse model of psychosis: the role of cyclin-dependent-like kinase 5" and the other by Haneen Dwaib, predoctoral student supervised by Dr. Rafael Maldonado and Dra. Elena Martín-García of UPF, and which will be entitled:”The Evil Side of UCP1 in Perivascular Adipose Tissue: Phosphate Repurposing".
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