Virtual, a les 12:00h
Us convidem al proper IMIM Seminar sobre Hottopics in Neuroscience que tindrà lloc el dimecres 17/03/2021 a les 12:00 h. El seminari constarà de dues xerrades, una a càrrec de Laia Alegre-Zurano, estudiant predoctoral supervisada per la Dra Olga Valverde de la UPF, amb el títol “Cannabidiol effects on cocaine-seeking behaviour and incubation of craving in mice” i l’altra a càrrec de José Antonio González Parra, estudiant predoctoral supervisat pel Dr. Arnau Busquets de l’IMIM, i que portarà per títol: “Modulation of gut microbiota as therapeutic approach to improve social deficits of Ts65Dn mice”.
We invite you to the next IMIM Seminar on Hottopics in Neuroscience that will take place on wednesday 17/03/2021 at 12:00 h. The seminar will consist of two talks, one by Laia Alegre-Zurano, a predoctoral student supervised by Dr. Olga Valverde of UPF, entitled "Cannabidiol effects on cocaine-seeking behavior and incubation of craving in mice" and the other by José Antonio González Parra, predoctoral student supervised by Dr. Arnau Busquets of the IMIM, and which will be entitled: Modulation of gut microbiota as a therapeutic approach to improve social deficits of Ts65Dn mice ".
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