Sala Ramón y Cajal (Plaça interior PRBB) a les 12 hores
En el marc de les sessions del Programa de Neurociències, el proper 30 de maig a les 12:00 hores tindrà lloc a la Sala Ramón y Cajal (Plaça interior del PRBB) la sessió que porta per títol "Down Alzheimer Barcelona Neuroimaging Initiative (DABNI): a Research effort to understand Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome" impartida pel Dr. Juan Fortea Ormaechea de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau i de la Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down.
Resum en anglès
Most people with Down syndrome (SD) develop Alzheimer's disease (AD) presenil dementia due to the presence of the amyloid precursor protein gene on chromosome 21 and increased life expectancy. In fact, DS is already considered as a genetically determined form of AD, and AD is now the main medical problem and the leading cause of death in this population. However, AD diagnosis in DS is difficult due to the intellectual disability associated with DS and the lack of useful tools, and is often established in advanced stages. DS research in AD is, therefore, not only a moral imperative but also a unique research opportunity for AD in the general population.
The Down Alzheimer Barcelona Neuroimaging Initiative (DABNI) research project is an ambitious AD research project in DS that aims to:
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