07/02/25 - General information
The Hospital del Mar Research Institute and the company Bionure have signed an agreement to establish a strategic collaboration between the two institutions. The objective is the development of new RNA-based therapies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The research center will be responsible for conducting proof-of-concept studies for potential medications, both in patient cells and in animal models, which is a necessary step before starting clinical trials in humans. RNA therapies for these types of pathologies are a promising tool not only to slow disease progression but also to potentially repair neuronal damage in neurodegenerative diseases with a genetic component.
22/11/2024 - General information
This project will study the short- and long-term impact of steroid sulfation, which is involved in various biological processes, during pregnancy and its influence on maternal mental health and the mother-child bond. The project, "Short- and Long-term Effects of Steroid Sulfation During Pregnancy on Brain Plasticity, Maternal Well-being, and the Mother-Child Bond", led by Dr. Òscar Vilarroya, coordinator of the Neuroimaging of Mental Disorders Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, will receive funding from La Marató de TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio. It is one of 26 projects related to sexual and reproductive health selected by the Board of Trustees of La Marató Foundation upon the recommendation of the Advisory Commission. Over 100 proposals were submitted in this edition.
20/11/2024 - General information
The project has received one of the recognitions in the Responsible Research and Innovation in Health awards. The award highlights the added value of the project for incorporating public participation in its design. The PENSA study aims to contribute to the research of effective treatments to prevent or delay dementia.
24/05/2024 - General information
Dr. Marta Torrens, Emeritus Director of Addictions of the Mental Health Institute of the Hospital del Mar and researcher of her research institute, has been selected by the executive committee of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA), to be part of its scientific committee. The decision was made on July 4 and Dr. Torrens will be one of the agency's advisors for the next four years. The European Union Agency for Drugs and Drug Addiction is the successor of the former European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, with enhanced capabilities and responsibilities.
18/07/2024 - General information
The Hospital del Mar Research Institute will be Olympic again. Three of the professionals of the Institute's Anti-Doping Laboratory of Catalonia will work in the Olympic Laboratory during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. They are Sergi Coll and Lídia Requena, who will travel to Paris to work at the Laboratory from July 26 to August 11 during the Olympic Games, and Indira Anselmo, who will work from August 28 to September 8, during the Paralympic Games. Sergi Coll is a specialist in the detection of anabolic steroids, and Lídia Requena and Indira Anselmo are specialists in the detection of hormones (erythropoietin, growth hormone...) and blood transfusions.
19/02/2024 - General information
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Union, through the Next Generation EU program will finance this new phase. It will evaluate the efficacy of CTH120 as an innovative therapy in adult patients with SXF, the most common form of hereditary intellectual disability without specific treatment. The public-private consortium formed by the biotechnology company CONNECTA Therapeutics, the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), and the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT) will receive 2,7 million euros in funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Union, through the Next Generation EU program, to initiate Phase IIa clinical trials of the drug CTH120 for the treatment of Fragile X syndrome (Fragile X syndrome).
Més informació "Nearly 3 million euros to initiate Phase IIa of CTH120 drug for Fragile X syndrome"
23/03/2023 - General information
The Associació Catalana de Gestors Esportius Professionals has recognized the international projection of the Laboratory. The Associació Catalana de Gestors Esportius Professionals (ACGEP) has awarded the Catalonia Prize for Sports Management on a national or international level to the Catalonian Anti-Doping Laboratory of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute. The award recognizes the role of the Laboratory in projecting Catalonia to the world, its professionalism and its contribution to a cleaner sport. It was also highlighted that it is one of the thirty laboratories accredited in the world by the World Anti-Doping Agency to carry out doping controls on athletes, and that it works for clean sport in various national and international events.
18/01/2023 - General information
The Integrated Pharmacology and Systems Neurosciences Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute has just published a study in Neurobiology of Disease, in which it highlights the role of the CDK5 protein as a possible marker of early psychosis. Furthermore, this protein is modulated by cannabis use. This paves the way for possible future treatments based on CDK5 expression.
Més informació "Possible biomarker for early psychosis identified"
20/12/2022 - General information
The Board of Trustees of the Spanish Psychiatry and Mental Health Foundation has chosen Dr. Víctor Pérez, head of the Psychiatry Department of the Hospital del Mar and coordinator of the Mental Health Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, as the new president of the organization. This appointment comes after Dr. Perez left his position as president of the executive committee of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health. As the highest representative of the foundation, Dr. Pérez will be responsible for representing the entity, chairing the meetings of its board of trustees and executing the agreements reached. The aim of its activity is to contribute to the knowledge, development and improvement of psychiatry and mental health and the disciplines that are linked to it.
Més informació "Dr. Víctor Pérez will chair the Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health."
02/11/2022 - General information
The researcher of the Neuroscience Research Program at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute talks in this book with Montserrat Pedreira, PhD in Education and Early Childhood Education teacher, about how we communicate, what makes us curious and how we explore the world. Beatriz Fagundo, PhD in Neuroscience and researcher at the Neuroscience Research Program at IMIM-Hospital del Mar, is one of the authors of Diàlegs entre educació i neurociència, a book that explores the common ground between Neuroscience and Education through a dialogue between the researcher and Montserrat Pedreira, PhD in Education and Early Childhood and Primary Education teacher. The book is published by Eumo Editorial.
Més informació "Diàlegs entre educació i neurociència, the new book of Beatriz Fagundo"
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