17/02/2022 - Press release
New research associates the presence of Caudovirales in gut microbiota to an improvement in cognitive functions and memory in humans, mice and flies. The results show that bacteriophages present in the gut microbiota influence the relationship between the microbiome and the brain The article, published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, was led by Dr. Jordi Mayneris-Perxachs and Dr. José Manuel Fernández-Real, of the Nutrition, Eumetabolism and Health group of the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI) Dr. Josep Trueta and CIBEROBN, and has been carried out in collaboration with the Neuropharmacology research group led by Dr. Rafael Maldonado of Pompeu Fabra University and attached to the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM); the FISABIO Foundation, the University of Valencia (UV) and the University of Alicante (UA).
14/02/2022 - General information
In addition, 71% of them claim to have a poor quality of life due to epileptic seizures, according to a study carried out by Hospital del Mar's Epilepsy Unit. Women suffer higher levels of depression and anxiety, as well as a poorer quality of life, compared to men. The results obtained raise the issue of how to address these factors as triggers of epileptic seizures. This is the largest study to date analysing psychiatric comorbidities in patients with this type of pathology. The work has been published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology. People diagnosed with treatment-resistant epilepsy have high levels of depression and anxiety, as well as a poor quality of life, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology by Hospital del Mar's Epilepsy Unit . In fact, half of these patients suffer from depression and anxiety and more than 70% claim to have a poor quality of life. This fact suggests that a global approach to these patients should be evaluated, taking into account the psychiatric aspects of their pathology to try to control their epileptic seizures.
03/02/2022 - Institutional news
On 4 February, the XXIV Olympic Winter Games will be inaugurated in Beijing, which this year will be held under very strict COVID-19 control protocols. Three scientists from the IMIM Anti-Doping Laboratory, Rosa Ventura, Sergi Coll and Lídia Requena, will be travelling to Beijing to work in the Olympic laboratory. Rosa Ventura will be involved in the management and supervision group, Sergi Coll will be working on the detection of anabolic steroids, and Lídia Requena will be concentrating on the detection of hormones (erythropoietin, growth hormone). The Beijing Laboratory will analyse 3000 samples over the Olympic Games and another 600 during the Paralympic Games. This high volume of samples requires a great deal of analytical equipment and a large number of specialised professionals organised into shifts working around the clock.
28/01/2022 - General information
The renowned chef gave an online session in which she explained that it is possible to eat well and healthily and still enjoy food. The talk, organised by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute's Neurosciences programme, is part of the cognitive and social stimulation sessions for volunteers in the PENSA project on the prevention of cognitive impairment. Can you eat healthily and still get excited about what you eat? The answer is yes. This was explained by Ada Parellada, the chef and director of Restaurant Semproniana and 2016 Creu de Sant Jordi winner, who this morning visited the facilities at the Hospital de Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) as a guest of the Institute's Neuroscience Programme. Her visit was part of the PENSA project, promoted by the programme, in collaboration with the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Centre from the Pasqual Maragall Foundation.
22/12/2021 - Institutional news
From 2022, the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) list of prohibited substances and methods in sport is to include important changes regarding the use of glucocorticoids in sport. From this point on, all injectable methods will be prohibited during competitions, in addition to oral and rectal administration. Other ways of receiving the medication, such as via inhalation, intranasal or dermatological routes, will continue to be permitted if their use is necessary for therapeutic reasons. There will still be no restrictions on the use of glucocorticoids in out-of-competition periods. Criteria have also been defined to improve the safety of glucocorticoid administration for therapeutic reasons. Firstly, the distinction between prohibited and permitted routes of administration has been improved by defining a specific information concentration for each glucocorticoid. Secondly, blanking periods after prohibited treatments have been defined so that those performed in out-of-competition periods close to competitions do not lead to false positive results in samples collected during competitions.
22/12/2021 - Institutional news
The Director of the Addictions Process at INAD and researcher at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute becomes a member of the executive committee of this organization that promotes knowledge and research on dual pathology. The congress of the World Association on Dual Disorders (WADD) approved at its congress, held in Paris between December 7 and 9, the incorporation of Dr. Marta Torrens to its executive committee. Thus, the Director of the Addictions Process of the Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addictions of the Hospital del Mar (INAD) and coordinator of the Addictions Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), will participate in the organization's decision-making, such as the organization of congresses, training courses and publications.
03/12/2021 - Institutional news
The Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) has signed a five-year contract with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA, https://www.wada-ama.org/ ), within the framework of a tender of offers at an international level, worth € 1,880,000, for the preparation of reference materials for its external quality assessment program of laboratories (EQAS) accredited to carry out anti-doping control around the world (WADA's External Quality Assessment Scheme). Dr. Oscar Pozo, group leader of the Applied Metabolomics Research Group of the Neurosciences Research Program at IMIM, will be responsible for the execution of the contract as of January 2022.
02/12/2021 - Press release
A study using mice shows that animals fed a diet rich in beneficial live microorganisms suffer less from the addictive effects of alcohol consumption. The work has been published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition. It is the first to analyse the possible relationship between intestinal bacteria and the possibility of altering addictive behaviours related to alcohol use. In the study, animals that maintain a healthy microbiota also avoid addiction relapse and have lesser effects from associated disorders such as depression and anxiety.
According to a study by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and the Germans Trias i Pujol Institute of Health Sciences published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, driving after drinking alcohol mixed with energy drinks can give the driver a false sense of security, thus increasing the chances of driving while intoxicated and suffering an accident Due to their high caffeine content, energy drinks reduce the sedative effect of alcohol, despite not affecting its negative effects on driving ability Moreover, combining the two drinks increases blood concentrations of alcohol and caffeine. Researchers warn that these effects may favour alcohol intoxication in people with a lower tolerance to these drinks
Més informació "Mixing energy drinks with alcohol can increase the risk of a traffic accident"
21/10/2021 - General information
The Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE) in its XVII edition has awarded the "Prize for research by young researchers. Edition 2021: Miguel Carrasco" to Natàlia Soldevila-Domènech, predoctoral researcher of the Integrative Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience research group at IMIM, for the project "Analysis of trajectories of cognition evaluated in a continuous manner with cognitive training tasks in older adults at risk of Alzheimer 's disease". The work aims to evaluate the feasibility, validity and reliability of a measure of cognition obtained from the performance on self?administered computerized cognitive training tasks, and to identify and characterize subgroups of elderly individuals following a similar cognitive trajectory during the course of a preventive intervention for cognitive decline (PENSA Study).
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