18/07/2024 - General information
The Hospital del Mar Research Institute will be Olympic again. Three of the professionals of the Institute's Anti-Doping Laboratory of Catalonia will work in the Olympic Laboratory during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. They are Sergi Coll and Lídia Requena, who will travel to Paris to work at the Laboratory from July 26 to August 11 during the Olympic Games, and Indira Anselmo, who will work from August 28 to September 8, during the Paralympic Games. Sergi Coll is a specialist in the detection of anabolic steroids, and Lídia Requena and Indira Anselmo are specialists in the detection of hormones (erythropoietin, growth hormone...) and blood transfusions.
29/05/2024 - Press release
An international study led by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute has demonstrated, for the first time, the role of two proteins in the activation and deactivation of the system through which drugs act against schizophrenia symptoms. These two proteins are potential targets for developing new drugs aimed at specific symptoms of the disease, avoiding the side effects of current treatments. The study analyzed how certain molecules act on a serotonin cell receptor, which could allow for differentiated effects on schizophrenia symptoms without affecting other brain processes.
Més informació "New Avenues to Developing Personalized Treatments for Schizophrenia"
30/04/2024 - Institutional news
Researchers from the Neuroscience Research Program, in conjunction with the University of Minnesota in the United States, will conduct the first meta-analysis with individual data on this issue. They will analyze data from more than 30,000 people in the United States and four European countries. The aim is to obtain recommendations so that governments can establish dietary guidelines to prevent the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Is there any type of diet that really works to prevent cognitive decline? Despite all the publications on this question, the scientific evidence is not conclusive. For this reason, the Institute for the Advancement of Foord and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS), in the United States, a body that acts as an advisor to the US government, has commissioned the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and the Epidemiology and Community Health Division of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health to conduct the first meta-analysis with individual data on the question.
21/02/2024 - Press release
This is an international collaborative work coordinated by the Hospital del Mar Research Institut and the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS, published in the Journal of Neurology. This new tool may make it possible to adapt the monitoring and treatment of patients to their future evolution, opting for the most effective, but with more possible side effects in those with worse prognosis. The exact factors behind the progression of disability in multiple sclerosis, a disease with great heterogeneity, are unknown, which is why it is so important to have tools of this type.
19/02/2024 - General information
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Union, through the Next Generation EU program will finance this new phase. It will evaluate the efficacy of CTH120 as an innovative therapy in adult patients with SXF, the most common form of hereditary intellectual disability without specific treatment. The public-private consortium formed by the biotechnology company CONNECTA Therapeutics, the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), and the Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT) will receive 2,7 million euros in funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Union, through the Next Generation EU program, to initiate Phase IIa clinical trials of the drug CTH120 for the treatment of Fragile X syndrome (Fragile X syndrome).
Més informació "Nearly 3 million euros to initiate Phase IIa of CTH120 drug for Fragile X syndrome"
09/02/2024 - Press release
An international study has used a computational biology tool that, by analysing a multitude of biological data from multiple sclerosis patients ranging from genetic information to the whole organism, reveals the relationship between elements of different biological scales and improves our knowledge and the diagnosis of the disease. International research led by the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS) at Pompeu Fabra University, in collaboration with Hospital del Mar, Hospital Clínic, Charité - Medical University of Berlin, and the universities of Oslo and Genoa, has developed a computational biology tool, based on multi-level network analysis, to achieve an integrated vision of multiple sclerosis. This tool could be used to study other complex diseases such as types of dementia.
02/02/2024 - Institutional news
The laboratory director, Dr. Rosa Ventura Alemany, has been invited to join different expert committees of the agency starting this year. Dr. Ventura will be a member of the expert committee of anti-doping laboratories, which has the function of managing and monitoring the accreditation of laboratories and updating the regulations of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). In addition, she will also be a member of the working group on the use of dried blood spots (DBS) in doping controls and of the MRPL (minimum required performance levels) working group, which defines the detection limits that laboratories have to achieve for the different substances prohibited in sport in order to perform effective doping controls.
10/01/2024 - Press release
Functional alterations in the brains of individuals with this condition coincide with the distribution of these neurons in the same brain. These neurons are responsible for filtering external information reaching the brain. Their functioning is altered in individuals with schizophrenia, which explains the majority of their symptoms. This discovery is the first time that this alteration can be identified as a possible origin of schizophrenic symptoms, and it opens the door to seeking new targeted treatments with fewer patient side effects.
05/10/2023 - Press release
A study led by researchers at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute identifies that the deterioration of the blood-brain barrier, which regulates exchanges between the blood and the brain, can be used to identify which of these patients will have a more rapid progression. In the patients analysed, the risk of accelerated disease progression increases by 8% for every 10% increase in the level of albumin in cerebrospinal fluid and blood (a biomarker of damage to the blood-brain barrier). The results indicate that restoring the blood-brain barrier's ability to protect the brain could help slow the worsening of patients. This marker will allow a more accurate assessment of the prognosis of patients with cognitive impairment caused by Alzheimer's and other dementias. The work is published in the journal Alzheimer's&Dementia.
29/09/2023 - Institutional news
We are pleased to announce the official launch of the MARMetabolomics service, a pioneering initiative in the field of metabolomics at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute. MARMetabolomics is an advanced platform developed by the Applied Metabolomics Research Group (LIMA), which has extensive experience in the development of analytical methods for the determination of metabolites (small molecules involved in metabolic reactions that take place in biological systems) in both non-invasive (urine, breast milk, hair or cultures) and invasive (CSF, blood or tissues) matrices and their application in the field of health. The platform is a member of the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS), the Spanish Metabolomics Network and the multidisciplinary center TECNIO, BAPP.
Més informació "Inauguration of the MARMetabolomics Service at Hospital del Mar Research Institute"
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