Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Health services Jordi Alonso

Our research focuses on assessing mental health, perceived health, disability and Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs). We apply these methods to measuring the burden of mental disorders and to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of interventions in chronic diseases, in particular cancer, common mental disorders, and asthma. Knowledge transfer is also an important focus of the group. We developed and lead BiblioPRO, the online library of PROs in Spanish, including more than 2,400 instruments, and BiblioPRO International, with distribution agreements for instruments in several languages.

Our research projects can be accessed here

We collaborate with relevant stakeholders (Spanish Ministry of Health, Catalan Dept. of Health, Barcelona City Council) and carry out many education and mentoring activities: Master's in Public Health, degree in Medicine (UPF), and PSMAR's Teaching Unit of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.

Our group is recognised as a "Consolidated Research Group" by Generalitat de Catalunya since 1997 and is part of the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP, Instituto de Salud Carlos III).

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d'Investigacions Mèdiques
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