Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Temporary calls


Research Technician (Master's degree in Bioinformatics or similar).

Researcher/s responsible for the project:
Mario Cáceres Aguilar
Project title:
Comprehensive characterization of human polymorphic inversions using long read sequence data
Research group / Service:
Comparative and functional genomics research group
The selected person will join the Comparative and functional genomics research group (Biomedical informatics research program).
Study on imputation of human investment in large sets of genetic data. Participate in the development of bioinformatic analysis.
University Master's Degree in Bioinformatics or similar.
Previous experience in bioinformatics research and genetic data analysis, including: - Programming and statistics (Bash, R). - Human genetics analysis.. - Imputation of genetic variants. - Work with structural variants
Programming (Bash, R). English.
Additional information:
This subsidy may be co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, 'One way of making Europe'.
CT formatiu per a l'obtenció de la pràctica professional 14p
Schedule Retribution Hire date
Part-time (20 hours/week) 18718.47 € bruts anuals October 2024

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