Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

News / Institutional news

  • 02/03/2017 - Institutional news

    Chemotargets, one of the five top Biotechs at BIO Europe Spring 2017

    From 20th to 22nd March, Barcelona will host the most important European partnering conference in the biotech and pharma sectors. The aim of this International Conference is to bring together pharmaceutical, biotechnology and financial firms to form alliances and partnerships for achieving common goals. More than 1,400 companies from 45 countries are expected to participate, with more than 2,400 people attending. In this edition, Chemotargets, the IMIM spin-off dedicated to developing software for predicting the mechanism of action and safety of new drugs, directed by Dr. Jordi Mestres, Coordinator of the Systems Pharmacology research group at the GRIB (IMIM-UPF), is one of the 5 biotech companies from Barcelona invited to take part.

    Més informació "Chemotargets, one of the five top Biotechs at BIO Europe Spring 2017"

  • Institutional news

    Dr. Joaquim Bellmunt, new director of the IMIM

    Dr. Bellmunt returns to Barcelona after almost 4 years in the US heading up the bladder cancer unit in one of America's top cancer hospitals, and an international benchmark in cancer treatment, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Joaquim Bellmunt Molins, a genitourinary cancer specialist and a world leader in bladder and kidney cancer, has been selected to be Director of Research at the Parc de Salut Mar (PSMAR) in Barcelona and director of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM). Putting a professional with both clinical and management experience at an international level at the head of the PSMAR's research and as director of the IMIM will help research strategies align with healthcare goals and increasingly position the institution as global leader in research applied to patients. His incorporation will be effective as of November 14. Dr. Bellmunt was the head of the Solid Tumours section at Hospital del Mar from 2006 to 2013, leading the clinical research into genitourinary cancer at the IMIM. In March 2013, he was given the job of directing the Bladder Cancer Centre, a consortium comprising the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, one of the best cancer centres in the world, and the Brighman and Women's Hospital. During his time in the US, he was appointed associate professor of medicine at Harvard University, a position he kept until his transition to our university. During this time, he maintained his links with the IMIM and PSMAR.

    Més informació "Dr. Joaquim Bellmunt, new director of the IMIM"

  • 26/06/2016 - Institutional news

    IMIM involved in a study of the evolution of global heights over the last 100 years

    Among the findings, published in the journal eLife, the research has revealed that in South Korea and Iran, where people have shown significant height increases over the last 100 years, Iranian men are now an average of 16.5 cm taller, and South Korean women have increased their height by about 20.2 cm. The study involved the IMIM's Cardiovascular epidemiology and genetics research group that has contributed with 11,000 people from the database of the REGICOR Project and the Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer research group

    Més informació "IMIM involved in a study of the evolution of global heights over the last 100 years"

  • 20/06/2016 - Institutional news

    "Healthy Cities and Environmental Justice", a new research group at the IMIM

    The Research Programme into Epidemiology and Public Health now incorporates the "Healthy Cities and Environmental Justice" research group coordinated by Isabelle Anguelovski. This group at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), attached to the IMIM, focuses on the social determinants of healthy and fair cities and as well as the social and health impact of environmental inequality resulting from urban planning decisions and action. The group's coordinator joined the IMIM in early June and it is planned that the rest of the team will be incorporated in September. Isabelle Anguelovski is a senior researcher and principal investigator in the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) at the UAB. A social scientist specialising in urban and environmental planning (PhD, MIT, 2011), her research takes place at the meeting point between urban planning and politics, social inequality, and development studies.

    Més informació ""Healthy Cities and Environmental Justice", a new research group at the IMIM"

  • 08/02/2016 - Institutional news

    AECC funds IMIM and Hospital del Mar project on possible new biomarker for prostate and bladder cancer

    On February 4, to coincide with World Cancer Day, the AECC-Catalunya contra el Càncer, presented their Cancer Research Grants 2015 at the Drassanes Reials in Barcelona, in a ceremony attended by more than 400 people from the worlds of politics and business, as well as the general public. In this edition the AECC presented a total of €120,000 to six projects by emerging Catalan teams looking at colon cancer, leukaemia, brain tumours, gastrointestinal stromal tumours and prostate and bladder cancer. The winners include a project entitled: “Clinical implications of galectin-1 expression in genitourinary cancer: its role in diagnosis, prognosis and response prediction with immune check point inhibitors”, led by Pilar Navarro, coordinator of the Molecular Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis research group at the IMIM and Alejo Rodríguez-Vida, an oncologist at the Hospital del Mar

    Més informació "AECC funds IMIM and Hospital del Mar project on possible new biomarker for prostate and bladder cancer"

  • 22/12/2015 - Institutional news

    Job position of Research director of the MAR Health Park (PSMAR) of Barcelona

    Research director of the MAR Health Park of Barcelona who, associated with their research management role, will also have functions as director of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM).  

    Més informació "Job position of Research director of the MAR Health Park (PSMAR) of Barcelona"

  • 09/10/2015 - Institutional news

    IMIM receives funding from the IOC to conduct innovative anti-doping research

    In its mission to protect and promote clean athletes, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is financing and backing seven innovative research projects in the fight against doping, which include a project by Dr Jordi Segura, coordinator of the research group on bioanalysis and analytic services at IMIM. The project is entitled ‘Developments for improving compliance with blood testing, a fundamental but minimally implemented tool in doping control (EASY BLOOD)’ and its purpose is to explore and validate the applicability of the use of new matrices (dried blood spot and capillary sampling) to replace the blood sample collection methods that are currently used to control doping (which are whole blood, plasma and serum). The seven projects funded are from Australia, Spain and the United Kingdom and were selected from among the applications received from throughout the world in the two calls opened by the IOC.

    Més informació "IMIM receives funding from the IOC to conduct innovative anti-doping research"

  • 29/06/2015 - Institutional news

    IMIM is awarded by the European Commission with the “HR Excellence in Research” logotype.

    Dated June 2015, Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) has been recognized by the European Commission with the “HR Excellence in Research” award. This recognition highlights IMIM’s commitment towards adopting the general principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter&Code) and gives its full support to the improvement of human resources internal policies and procedures. This recognition of excellence is an opportunity to establish a global and cohesive human resources strategy which will allow for an international visibility provided by a stimulating work environment and favorable working conditions for research.

    Més informació "IMIM is awarded by the European Commission with the “HR Excellence in Research” logotype."

  • 17/12/2014 - Institutional news

    Rosa Ventura is the new director of the Anti-Doping Control Laboratory at IMIM

    As of January 1st, Dr. Rosa Ventura will be the new director of the Anti-Doping Control Laboratory at IMIM, replacing Dr. Jordi Segura who, after 30 years, is leaving the post to retire. However, until July 2016, Dr. Segura will remain at the Laboratory part-time supporting research and any other need that may arise. Since 1985, when the Laboratory gained accreditation from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and later on from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Dr. Segura has been at the helm of the Laboratory, with a clear priority right from the start, that is to high quality and reliable services. A Laboratory that has been in charge of controls for important sports events such as the Barcelona Olympics and Paralympics in 1992; the Pan American Games in Havana in 1991; in Mar de Plata in 1995 and Mexico 2011; The Asian Games in Bangkok in 1998, or the FINA World Swimming Championships held in Barcelona in 2003 and 2013, as some of the most relevant ones. The Lab also collaborated in anti-doping controls for the Olympics during the past 25 years.

    Més informació "Rosa Ventura is the new director of the Anti-Doping Control Laboratory at IMIM"

  • 10/10/2014 - Institutional news

    Precipita platform presentation and the video game Brainful Legends

    The Science and Innovation Ministry through the Science and TechnologySpanish Foundation launched last October 9 at the headquarters of the Carlos III Institute thePrecipita platform, designed to promote special interesting projects to be funded through micro-patronage (crowdfunding), small contributions from individuals. One of the selected projects presented is Brainful Legends, a videogame for cognitive stimulation, science-based, modern, funny and, above all, accessible to all people with intellectual disabilities.

    Més informació "Precipita platform presentation and the video game Brainful Legends"


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