Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

News / Institutional news

  • 22/03/2019 - Institutional news

    Extension Deadline presentation candidatures external call Director/HR RR Fundación IMIM

    In relation to the HOSPITAL RESOURCES DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES Institut Mar d'investigacions Mèdiques Foundation, managing entity of the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research. (call FIMIM_01 / 2019), the deadline for submitting candidatures is extended until March 28, 2019.

    Més informació "Extension Deadline presentation candidatures external call Director/HR RR Fundación IMIM"

  • 18/02/2019 - Institutional news

    Call Human Resources Director

    The Mar Institute of Medical Research Foundation (IMIM Foundation), announces the position of Director with incorporation through a full-time work contract and appointment as Director. The person awarded the position will be responsible for developing and implementing policies related to staff effectiveness, aligned with the Institute's strategy. Their main role will be to ensure that the people who work in the Institute have a balance between skills and experience, fostering their development so that they have the opportunity to improve their position within the Institute itself. They must always generate a supportive and challenging work environment that promotes equal opportunities, ethical integrity, and a work-life balance.

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  • 10/07/2018 - Institutional news

    Jordi Mestres elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

    On June 8th, Dr Jordi Mestres, coordinator of the IMIM Systems Pharmacology Research Group, was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry of the United Kingdom. Achieving this status is an important milestone in a researcher's career as it indicates scientific quality and is one of the most important recognitions a chemist can receive. The Royal Society of Chemistry is a non-profit organisation that is more than 175 years old and has more than 54,000 members across the world. Its aim is to advance excellence in the chemical sciences, investing in the education of future generations, creating and maintaining standards, encouraging innovation, and advising governments.

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  • 17/05/2018 - Institutional news

    Dr. Luis Espinosa and Dr. Anna Vert, editors of a special edition of the journal Biomedicines

    The two IMIM researchers, Lluís Espinosa and Anna Vert, have been chosen to edit a special edition of the journal Biomedicines, from the MDPI publishing house. Under the title Stem Cells and Cancer Therapeutics, it will focus, in the words of the publishers, "on understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling normal cells and stem cells related to cancer, as well as the tools available for studying them in vitro and in vivo." This issue will focus on how new technologies can be used in cancer therapies. The special edition will include around twelve articles by particularly renowned authors. Five of these articles can already be consulted in open format, including the paper "Mammary Stem Cells and Breast Cancer Stem Cells: Molecular Connections and Clinical Implications", authored by Dr. Toni Celià-Terrassa, a researcher from the IMIM's Cancer Research Programme.

    Més informació "Dr. Luis Espinosa and Dr. Anna Vert, editors of a special edition of the journal Biomedicines"

  • 19/04/2018 - Institutional news

    The 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics brings together more than 130 experts

    The 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics (ECTB2018) was held on April 16th-17th at the premises of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) with the attendance of more than 130 European scientists, developers, and entrepreneurs, interested in translating genomics and bioinformatics research into healthcare tools and services. The conference aimed to give the participants a unique experience and a forum for discussing fresh scientific results in the translational domain. The conference brought together world-leading scientists in the area which highlighted on their presentations the recent advances in information technologies that are facilitating translational research and precision medicine. Some of the topics addressed were Big Data integration and analysis, Personalized Medicine, Genome Sequencing initiatives, etc, delivered by scientists from Europe, Canada and the USA.

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  • 18/12/2017 - Institutional news

    The Gasol Foundation and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute work together against childhood obesity

    Gasol Foundation, set up by NBA players Pau and Marc Gasol, and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) have signed an agreement to develop joint research projects. The aim of this accord is to establish a collaboration framework between the organisations with regard to biotech research and development in the field of childhood obesity. This will allow them to work together to gain competitive funding and publicise the results of their joint projects. The agreement will promote the cross-training of staff from the two entities, and the IMIM team will provide methodological support in the design and development of the Gasol Foundation's public health interventions, as well as in the analysis and dissemination of the data they obtain. A task that will be carried out by the IMIM's Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition research group.

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  • Institutional news

    Open innovation improving drug safety evaluation

    The Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) have just published a comment in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Drug Discovery where they explain the excellent results from eTOX, a project that has facilitated a new model for collaboration among pharmaceutical companies, as well as between these and academia, where data and knowledge are shared for the purposes of improving the toxicological evaluation of drugs. Apart from the results obtained, which are extremely valuable, the project is a model of Open Innovation, where various public and private stakeholders join forces and actively collaborate. In addition, it has confirmed the enormous value of the data obtained in the regulatory studies conducted by the pharmaceutical industry, and has verified the fact that exploiting these requires a significant effort in terms of extraction, standardisation, and integration.

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  • 22/09/2017 - Institutional news

    Communiqué from the universities and research centres of Catalonia

    Today, the highest representatives of the universities and research centres of Catalonia (60 institutions, representing around 90% of the university and research community) have met to assess the current situation in Catalonia resulting from the actions of the Spanish Government over the last few days. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the trade unions and students' associations. It has been concluded that the good repute of the academic and research institutions of Catalonia has been undermined by their inclusion by the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service in a list of institutions whose budgetary powers have been rescinded and which are, therefore, in the eyes of the Ministry, suspected of being liable to fraudulent behaviour. This list has been communicated to the banks in order to block and assume control of the management of ordinary financial affairs, with no form of direct prior notification to the universities and research centres. These actions are a threat to academic and research activity, including that funded by European Union resources or private funds, and damage both the reputation and the credibility of the institutions at an international level, thereby putting in peril their participation in international projects, and their ability to attract and retain talent. 

    Més informació "Communiqué from the universities and research centres of Catalonia"

  • 01/06/2017 - Institutional news

    The Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute and Chemotargets sign collaboration agreement

    The Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute announced today that it has entered into a collaboration agreement with Chemotargets, an IMIM's spin-off. The aim of the collaboration is to further understand the mechanism of action of some active hits in leukemia discovered at IJC, and exploit this information to identify new chemical entities with improved pharmacology and safety profiles using Chemotargets’ precision modeling platform. The acute myeloid leukemia (AML) research group, directed by Dr. Ruth M. Risueño, recently published a study in which the importance of serotonin receptor subtype 1 (HTR1) in AML was highlighted (Etxabe et al. Leukemia 2017). “We observed that AML cells differentially expressed HTR1 compared with healthy blood cells and the most primitive hematopoietic fraction; in fact, HTR1B expression in AML patient samples correlated with the clinical outcome”, said Dr. Risueño. “Based on these results and other projects developed in the group, we discovered some active hits on HTR1 and other receptors with antileukemia effects; these represent excellent starting points for a drug discovery program and Chemotargets’ platform will be of great help in this process”.

    Més informació "The Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute and Chemotargets sign collaboration agreement"

  • 15/03/2017 - Institutional news

    New research groups at the IMIM

    On 27th February, the IMIM Steering Committee was given the green light to create three new research groups at the institute: the  Epilepsy Research Group, coordinated by Rodrigo Alberto Rocamora and part of the Neurosciences research programme; the GPCR drug discovery Research Group, coordinated by Jana Selent and part of the research programme in Biomedical Informatics; and the Colorectal Neoplasms Clinical and Translational Research Group, within the Cancer research programme and alternately coordinated by Xavier Bessa and Miquel Pera. This last group has arisen from a merger between the Colorectal Cancer Research Group that Miguel Pera was coordinating and the Translational Research in Colorectal Neoplasia group that was coordinated by Montserrat Andreu.

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